Bonus # 1
MANIFEST MONEY USING THE 3 JARS METHODMy famous ping pong method to call in aligned money + clients this week with ease. 90% rate of success ✨ How to find and dialogue with your inner money blocks, dissolving them in minutes.
Bonus #2
5 Live Workshop SessionsAttend the calls live so we can workshop your blocks live with me, I'll look at your energy and help create a powerful cleansing vortex. You'll learn the methods hands on and be able to practice right away.
Bonus #3
25 TransformationsYou'll get to watch over 25 pre-recorded transformation to grasp how to use the tools for yourself and in your own work with clients.
Live Workshop & Training:
NOVEMBER UPDATE - Call Details + More
Watch me :)
Lesson 0: Creating Your Own Safety Incubator to Eliminate Fearful Intrusive Thoughts
Lesson 1: Shifting out of the Fears of Lacking Approval, Control and Safety in Seconds
Lesson 2: Validating Fears: How to Speak with a Scared Inner Child
Lesson 3: The Different Types of Fears (Live Call 3)
Cellular Detox Support
Fear Inventory + Turnaround
Lesson 0: Your Safety Incubator: Doing what you love
Lesson 1: Your Fierce Heart Chakra to Overcome Fawning
🍋 Lesson 2: Super Fast Turn-arounds
Lesson 3: Finding + Deleting Sticky Patterns
Lesson 4: Activating and Using the Power of Your Voice to Delete Patterns
Lesson 1: Re-calibrate the Stress + Anxiety Response
Lesson 2: Energetic Cleanse for Stress + Anxiety + PTSD (TAPAS)
Lesson 3: Staying Connected to Your Power and Intuition (Divine Woman/Boss/Doer)
Lesson 1: What is the 3 Jars Money Magic Challenge?
Lesson 2: How to Manifest your First $100 or $1000 Using the 3 Jars Method
Lesson 3: Deleting Sticky Patterns around Money Goals
Lesson 4: Receiving Money with Ease (The Feminine Way)
Lesson 5: Receiving Money without Attachment
Lesson 5B: Receiving Money without Attachment (2)
Lesson 6: Defining Your Feminine Money Story
Call 1 Root: The Pivot, Chair, Breathing 🪑 ❤️
Call 2 Sacral: Flight, Inner Child and Archetypes
Call 3: Solar, Control and the Fight Response
Call 4: Heart Fawning + Fierceness Goddess Love
Call 5 Throat Chakra

About this course
- $111.00
- 5 Live Modules
- Workshop Style
It's time to get Fearless
Come Illuminate your Power in Business
- 00 Days
- 00 Hours
- 00 Minutes
- 00 Seconds
We love bonuses!!! ❤️
these were picked to help you embody the fearless woman even more!
F.E.A.R. First Event Arriving Raw
When you start out in business (or are up-leveling) everything feels raw and new, everything feels scary, until you illuminate your Power and grow Taller than the Fear ❤️
FEAR TURNAROUND Worksheet - Turn around fears in minutes to receive more truthful intuitive messages and ideas.
DELETING STICKY PATTERNS: Activating and using the power of your voice to delete patterns learned from parents + others.
MANIFEST MONEY USING THE 3 JARS METHOD My famous ping pong method to call in $100 or more this week with ease, 99% rate of success. Find and dialogue with your inner money blocks, dissolving them in minutes.
BECOME A STRESS + ANXIETY HEALER Understanding the messages of stress + anxiety and how to make them a non-issue