Live Workshop & Training:

    1. NOVEMBER UPDATE - Call Details + More

    2. Watch me :)

    1. Lesson 0: Creating Your Own Safety Incubator to Eliminate Fearful Intrusive Thoughts

    2. Lesson 1: Shifting out of the Fears of Lacking Approval, Control and Safety in Seconds

    3. Lesson 2: Validating Fears: How to Speak with a Scared Inner Child

    4. Lesson 3: The Different Types of Fears (Live Call 3)

    5. Cellular Detox Support

    6. Fear Inventory + Turnaround

    1. Lesson 0: Your Safety Incubator: Doing what you love

    2. Lesson 1: Your Fierce Heart Chakra to Overcome Fawning

    3. 🍋 Lesson 2: Super Fast Turn-arounds

    4. Lesson 3: Finding + Deleting Sticky Patterns

    5. Lesson 4: Activating and Using the Power of Your Voice to Delete Patterns

    1. Lesson 1: Re-calibrate the Stress + Anxiety Response

    2. Lesson 2: Energetic Cleanse for Stress + Anxiety + PTSD (TAPAS)

    3. Lesson 3: Staying Connected to Your Power and Intuition (Divine Woman/Boss/Doer)

    1. Lesson 1: What is the 3 Jars Money Magic Challenge?

    2. Lesson 2: How to Manifest your First $100 or $1000 Using the 3 Jars Method

    3. Lesson 3: Deleting Sticky Patterns around Money Goals

    4. Lesson 4: Receiving Money with Ease (The Feminine Way)

    5. Lesson 5: Receiving Money without Attachment

    6. Lesson 5B: Receiving Money without Attachment (2)

    7. Lesson 6: Defining Your Feminine Money Story

    1. Call 1 Root: The Pivot, Chair, Breathing 🪑 ❤️

    2. Call 2 Sacral: Flight, Inner Child and Archetypes

    3. Call 3: Solar, Control and the Fight Response

    4. Call 4: Heart Fawning + Fierceness Goddess Love

    5. Call 5 Throat Chakra

About this course

  • $111.00
  • 5 Live Modules
  • Workshop Style

It's time to get Fearless

Come Illuminate your Power in Business

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

We love bonuses!!! ❤️

these were picked to help you embody the fearless woman even more!

  • Bonus # 1


    My famous ping pong method to call in aligned money + clients this week with ease. 90% rate of success ✨ How to find and dialogue with your inner money blocks, dissolving them in minutes.

  • Bonus #2

    5 Live Workshop Sessions

    Attend the calls live so we can workshop your blocks live with me, I'll look at your energy and help create a powerful cleansing vortex. You'll learn the methods hands on and be able to practice right away.

  • Bonus #3

    25 Transformations

    You'll get to watch over 25 pre-recorded transformation to grasp how to use the tools for yourself and in your own work with clients.

F.E.A.R. First Event Arriving Raw

When you start out in business (or are up-leveling) everything feels raw and new, everything feels scary, until you illuminate your Power and grow Taller than the Fear ❤️

  • FEAR TURNAROUND Worksheet - Turn around fears in minutes to receive more truthful intuitive messages and ideas.

  • DELETING STICKY PATTERNS: Activating and using the power of your voice to delete patterns learned from parents + others.

  • MANIFEST MONEY USING THE 3 JARS METHOD My famous ping pong method to call in $100 or more this week with ease, 99% rate of success. Find and dialogue with your inner money blocks, dissolving them in minutes.

  • BECOME A STRESS + ANXIETY HEALER Understanding the messages of stress + anxiety and how to make them a non-issue